โซLevel System

Let the users keep building better NFT and gain more.

We design the NFT with a level system. This decides the performance of the NFT to impact the users' gameplay outcome.


This is the starting point of the level system. By daily play, the user's current equipped NFT will not only generate tokens but progress on levelling up. Once it reaches the highest level, the user can upgrade it to a higher rarity.

The level of NFT will indirectly improve the performance of one's gameplay by deciding the following three properties.

Starting from v2, Bedroom NFT v1 will not be able to use level system while v2 NFT doesn't have levels.


Efficiency is the base value of how many Game Tokens ($NGT) users would generate per successful gameplay participation.

For example, the user will gain tokens per sleep according to their sleep score. The efficiency here will play a role as a parameter which decides the final number of outcomes in a range.


Comfortableness only impact in highest rarity NFTs. This is like Efficiency but decides on another type of token - Gov Tokens ($ZZZ). The Gov Token opens up all gameplays to the user. Such as staking.

Lucky Value

Lucky value is the one critical on NFT upgrades. The higher the lucky value is, the more possibility there'll be a success in upgrading.

The user could also stake Gov Tokens to improve the success rate.

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