โ›ณSleep Goal and Reward

User starts from identifying, understanding and tackling the problem.

After onboarding their NFT, user will start recognising what the current sleeping situation is and authorising GoSleep to health data to start offering help. We'll then at a starting point with knowing where we are and what we could do.

From this starting point, user will then set a sleep improvement plan with GoSleep. Together we'll help the user to achieve this goal by constantly offering help. User will stay on this journy without burden but easy and happy through game and social.

Setup Sleep Goal and Receive Sleep Score

Once logged in to GoSleep, users can set their sleep goals by selecting their preferred sleeping time period. This goal cannot be changed until the next day, ensuring fair gameplay. It is important for users to set a reasonable sleep goal, as GoSleep will continually improve its guidelines over time to ensure the best user experience.

Users will receive sleep scores based on the quality of their sleep and their goal accomplishment. GoSleep will track various factors to determine the sleep quality, including:

  • Duration of sleep

  • Sleep onset latency

  • Number of awakenings

  • Total time awake

  • Sleep efficiency

  • Restless sleep

  • Time in each sleep stage

  • Sleep position

GoSleep will analyze the data from these factors and provide the user with a sleep score, which will contribute to their overall progress in the game. The sleep score will be used to calculate the user's reward for achieving their sleep goal, with higher scores resulting in greater rewards.

Users can view their sleep score and progress toward their sleep goal in real-time within the app. They will also receive regular updates and recommendations on how to improve their sleep quality and achieve their sleep goals.

Select Active NFT

After the user sets up their sleep goals, they will need to select an active NFT to generate tokens. NFTs come in different rarities and levels, and the rarity and level of the NFT will impact the token generation process.

A higher level bedroom NFT could equip more furnitures, hence, more tokens will be generated accordingly.

Equip Furniture NFT

There are two types of tokens that can be generated: NGT and ZZZ according to the furniture type. The higher-level ZZZ tokens can only be generated by the highest rarity NFTs. Each user can only use one NFT to generate one type of token per sleep.

By selecting the right furniture, users can maximise their rewards and progress through the game more efficiently.

Make sure the NFT is with durability. Without durability the NFT will lose the ability to generate token.

Last updated